Monday, April 3, 2017

The Direction of This Project from Now On

In the remaining weeks of this project, I will pursue three major categories of study.

The first will be a continuation of previous studies on the deontology/ utilitarianism debate. This will include a study of reflective equilibrium, as well as Lawrence Lessig’s essay, The New Chicago School. This category will discuss ways to balance the polarizing ideas of utilitarian philosophers (eg. Bentham and Mill) with the opposing ideas of deontologists like Kant.

The second category will be a philosophical spectrum that has not yet been introduced to this project: distributive justice. This will include ideas of Robert Nozick and John Rawls, with the aim of creating a framework for implementing the “good government” philosophies that I introduced with the utilitarianism/ deontology debate.

The third and final category of study will be current legal discussion of gerrymandering. It will include two racial gerrymandering cases from North Carolina, and a political gerrymandering case from Wisconsin. These cases are currently being argued at various levels within the Federal Court system, and they will therefore have significant implications for the future of gerrymandering in the 
United States.

This may not be the order with which I discuss these categories, but all will be addressed in detail. I hope you will continue to follow along with this blog.


  1. It looks like you are really diving into your field! It is surprising to me that gerrymandering cases still exist at far up the court system. Isn't there enough precedent by now to resolve these cases?

  2. That is the crazy thing: the supreme court has been unable to create meaningful precedent for political gerrymandering cases. That is why everyone is looking at the Whitford v. Nichol case in Wisconsin. This case could finally create the precedent we have been waiting for.
